Departments and Centres
Department of Business Law
Head of Unit: Dr. Anikó Grad-Gyenge
As a tradition, the Department of Business Law considers its primary educational goal to familiarize students with the fields of law defined or influenced by technology. The Department of Business Law tends to be an incentive and active participant in domestic and international research on the relationship between law and technology, actively contributing to the scientific life of GTK and the University. For the Department of Business Law, it is of utmost importance to support the social responsibility of university students by launching a number of voluntary participation programs.
Department of Economics
Head of Unit: Dr. Zsolt Gilányi
The Department of Economics is specialized in describing the functioning of the entire economy and the behaviour of the economic actors, and this description also covers methodological areas, especially statistics (econometrics). The Department of Economics studies not only economics in a narrow sense, but also economic sciences: it seeks to gain scientific knowledge free of ideologies and to present different approaches.
The Department as an organizational unit of BME GTK has a scientific, teaching and educational mission. In particular, in the field of science, the department must keep up with the world’s leading scientific workshops. In the field of education, this knowledge should be delivered in a comprehensible form to the students of the university and secondly, to the Hungarian society as a whole.
Department of Environmental Economics and Sustainability
Head of Unit: Dr. Attila Buzasi
Our Department has had a double mission since its establishment: to contribute to the development of a positive environmental attitude of the students at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics and to actively participate in the education of environmental experts (environmental engineers and managers) with up-to-date, scientifically based knowledge. We follow an interdisciplinary approach during our educational and research activities, what is necessary, considering the nature of environmental problems, their impact mechanisms and efficient solution options.
We extended our research and educational activity from environmental economics and management to spatial development and regional economics. We think that sustainability research and the realisation of sustainable development requires the close cooperation of these two fields. Based on this approach, we participated in the establishment and launching process of the “Regional and Environmental Economics” Master program. In order to develop our curriculum and to keep our methodological background up-to-date, we are an active member of the Hungarian scientific community of the field and we have participated in several national and international research projects.
Department of Ergonomics and Psychology
Head of Unit: Dr. Károly Hercegfi
Established in 1992, the Department of Ergonomics and Psychology aims to support the link between technical and economic areas and human-centered sciences through education and research in the fields of ergonomics and applied psychology.
Areas of Ergonomics (human-machine interaction, usability and user experience (UX)) include among others ergonomics of industrial jobs, office ergonomics and human-computer interaction. This is related to human-oriented product management (user needs assessment, product experience, consumer protection).
The taught and researched areas of work and organizational psychology include work and competence assessment, workplace stress, psychological aptitude and selection, benchmarking and incentive systems, workplace socialization, organizational development and leadership psychology.
We also deal with psychology related to teacher education and higher education, as well as general psychology, teamwork and in recent years’ positive work psychology.
Department of Finance
Head of Unit: Dr. András Bethlendi
The mission of Department of Finance is to continue scientific research and develop educational programs that improve the analytical thinking, problem sensitivity and ability of our partners and students in the areas of finance, accounting and related fields.
We put the emphasis on innovation, engagement with engineering to develop a mindset and abilities that are closely linked to digital transformation and social responsibility beyond the acquisition of traditional business value and efficiency.
Department of Management and Business Economics
Head of Unit: Dr. András Nemeslaki
The Department of Management and Business Economics offers top-quality professional education in management and strives to equip future economists, engineering managers and engineers with the expertise they will require in the job market, as well as with the indispensable skills of critical thinking and creativity.
Our department also seeks close cooperation with companies and other institutions as we continue to teach and develop the fundamentals of business management and spread management culture in general.
We believe in rooting education in academic research that, while never losing sight of its social utility, keeps pushing the profession forward. Our strong tradition of research work is reflected in the number and quality of our international partner institutions and the output of our joint academic research activities.
Department of Philosophy and History of Science
Head of Unit: Dr. Mihály Héder
The Department of Philosophy and History of Science at BME GTK offers students a modern, dynamic, practical perspective different from the classical philosopher’s image. Our goal is to transfer valuable, interesting and useful knowledge; encourage independent, critical thinking and broaden the students’ horizons. Our instructors provide quality, student-friendly, service-oriented education. We strive for versatility and continuous development, which, in addition to our up-to-date educational portfolio, is proven by our successful, domestic and internationally recognized professional research activities.
Department of Sociology and Communication
Head of Unit: Dr. Béla Árpád Janky
The Department of Sociology and Communication provides relevant knowledge for students of economics and social sciences in particular communication and media sciences as well as engineering and natural science and prepares them to be able to apply that knowledge in a comprehensible manner during their internships, and also in their professional and social life.
In the teaching activity of the department, it strives to make students understand how people shape their own living conditions, which are the most important regularities of social action, human communication, social relationships, and social institutions. The aim of the course is to develop understanding, cooperation, openness, solidarity, responsibility, critical attitude and practical skills in the students. The department is committed to methodologically grounded interdisciplinary research on social diversity, using an interdisciplinary approach.
Department of Technical Education
Head of Unit: Dr. Péter Tóth
The organized training of technical pedagogues has been going on for nearly 125 years with shorter breaks. At present the Department belongs to the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences and trains teachers for technical vocational training schools.
Our department is a nationally and internationally recognized professional teacher training institution.
We continue to teach full-time and part-time students from several faculties of the University in Hungarian and English language.
Centre for Modern Languages
Director: dr. Márta Fischer
The activities of the Centre for Modern Languages are built around three pillars: language teaching for specific purposes, language examination centre, translator and interpreter training.
By providing a comprehensive range of courses to all faculties of the university, it is our utmost aim to provide students with skills that will enable them to keep pace with the latest developments of the rapidly changing scientific world throughout their studies and work. Our interpreter and translator training is hailed as one of the leading centres in Hungary with a 25-year history. We offer postgraduate study programmes in translation and (conference) interpreting, and lay special emphasis on providing fit-for-market training so as to improve the employability of students. Furthermore, the Centre has been an accredited language examination centre since the year 2000. BME language exams can be taken nationwide, at three levels (B1, B2, C1) in six languages, including exams in English and German for Economics. The activities of the Centre also cover a broad range of research fields, such as applied linguistics, intercultural studies, translation and interpreting studies, and terminology.
Centre of Physical Education
Head of Unit: Gábor Kincses
Established in 1952, the Department of Physical Education – today Center, as an organizational unit of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences – has the fundamental goal of imparting universal physical culture as part of general education to our students.
We basically complete this with our physical education classes and activities outside of them. The physical education teachers of the Center of Physical Education are professional assistants at university sports events – faculty and university sports and health days. Our colleagues keep in touch with domestic and international sports associations, delegate BME students to university sports competitions organized around the world.
Every year we start an independent Physical Education and Sports Science Section at the Scientific Student Conferences. Researches examines sports from different aspects.
Institute of Continuing Engineering Education
Head of unit: Dénes Zarka
The Institute of Continuing Engineering Education was founded in 1939, as first of its kind in Europe. The ideas expressed when founding the Institution – the further training of professional engineers, the introduction of the latest developments in theory and practice, and the acquisition of special skills – are still relevant to this day and remained in focus of our course provisions.
The Centre for Learning Innovation and Adult Learning joined the Institute in 2017. This provided a boost of innovation and research in the field of Continuous Professional Development, Vocational Education and Training and Higher Education. The Centre has more than 20 years experience of international and national collaborations in research and development and plays a key role in responding to the challenges of the digital transformation of the BME learning provisions.
Quantitative Social and Management Sciences Research Group
Head of unit: Dr. László Á. Kóczy
The Quantitative Social and Management Sciences Research Group is committed to address challenges in social and management sciences through the use of exact, quantitative methods. The different streams of research resting on a common methodological platform stimulate interdisciplinary approaches that go beyond the boundaries of thematic classifications and arches over fields such as network science, experimental economics, industrial organization and game theory. The Research Group strives beyond academic excellence to disseminate its results and expertise to the broader academic community, students, professionals and the society via joint projects and public events.