The biggest technical library in the country is BME’s, named OMIKK.
It supports high-quality education, scientific training, research, development and innovation in the fields of engineering, technology, natural sciences, business and social sciences. Besides supporting knowledge management, it also serves as a community space, fostering efficient learning and research. As a public national reference library of technology its mission is to provide access to information in all the above-mentioned fields BME OMIKK undertakes to collect, preserve and disseminate documents and objects representing the traditions, the past and the present of the University. Furthermore, it wishes to promote Hungarian and global culture by using the widest possible variety of library tools.
It can be found behind the K-building. In order to use the library, you have to register in the library building. The registration is easy and it does not take a long time. You have to show your residence permit and your student card. Exchange students can use the library but cannot borrow books.