1.1 When?

  • register both in Neptun and Moodle the earliest after classification for specialisation (39 credits)

1.2 Where and what?

  • ERASMUS anywhere, even abroad
  • perform work/tasks that are consistent with the training material
  • in case of any question, you should consult with the faculty member of the subject (this is currently searchable in the Neptun and TAD portals


2.1 How do I access a subject in the Moodle system?

  • search the Moodle system for subject “Traineeship” (pay attention to the appropriate subject code: BMEGT20MN55!)
  • even if you registered it in Neptun, because it doesn’t automatically appear!
  • fill in the data required for entry, i.e. initiate entry to the Moodle’s course page of the subject

2.2 How do I get professional approval on the Moodle page of the subject?

  • you need to submit a presentation of the organization where the planned traineeship is held and the traineeship activity (Traineeship Basic Information Template for Traineeship Approval)
  • this is evaluated by the instructor of the subject (acceptable/unacceptable)
  • no later than Friday of the 6th week of the study period (23:59)

2.3 What official documents do I need to upload?

  • a duly completed and (duly) signed cooperation agreement + duly signed declaration of acceptance by the external partner
  • no later than Friday of the 7th week of the study period

3.0 CLOSING – How?

3.1 What report should be uploaded to the Moodle page of the subject?

  • a detailed report in Hungarian (minimum 10,000 and maximum 20,000 characters in length)
  • this is evaluated by the instructor of the subject (acceptable/unacceptable)
  • no later than the last day of the study period
  • make-up submission: until Friday of the make-up week (23:59)

3.2 What official documents do I need to upload?

  • a proof of completion completed by the host company + a workplace consultant’s assessment
  • electronically (in pdf format, in colour and in a high-quality scanned version)
  • no later than the last day of the study period
  • no make-up submission period

3.3 What do I need to do in Neptun?

  • you must submit the application named “GTK-TÉR-703T-Konzultációs tárgyak-egyéni”, in which you indicate the instructor of the subject
  • if you have met the requirements in the Moodle system on time and successfully, you have completed the traineeship subject